Our Policies

Shipping Policy
The quick version is that most things ship the next business day from Sunnyside, NYC and orders over $35 automatically have a free shipping option at

Return Policy
We don't take returns, but we want to make sure your order is right. Contact us with any issues at hello@rplusddesigns.com and read our return policy before you try and fix anything with glue.

We get asked lots of questions, see some answers to the more frequent ones. Or drop us a line using the chat in the corner or emailing us at hello@rplusddesigns.com.

Privacy Policy
In short, we want to take privacy seriously and don't want to share information that isn't ours to share.

A little more about our commitments:
From the outside, R+D is about having fun: We use a lot of puns in
our product names and social media posts. We want people to be able to
find something that is affordable and unique to give as a gift to
brighten someone’s day, add an accessory that makes them feel
unstoppable, or be able to inspire someone to think differently about
sustainability and manufacturing.
Behind the scenes, we’re quite serious about our commitments: to
getting the details right, to the environment, and to our community. We
take time to carefully design and craft our products that make for
pieces people want to wear and use forever. We opt for raw materials
that are better for the environment and our customers. And we firmly
believe in community over competition--we’re apart of multiple local
collectives and membership groups and even serve on the board of one of
From time to time you will see us advocate for issues that are near
to our hearts and our experience. We feel that we owe a lot to the
community that supports us and it is important to use the little voice
we have to push for greater good. We are cautious about participating in
"cause marketing" where it may look like we are trying to profit off of
someone else's need or injustice. Rather, we hope to encourage others
to engage in their community and experiences of others with the goal of
lifting up one another. We won't be perfect but will always look to
change for the better.